About Benjamin


Benjamin Robert Gerlach loved being outside with the sun in his face and the wind in his hair. He was a triplet, brother, son, friend, student and church-goer. He was also a young boy living with Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. But this didn't define him. He loved lights, toys, movement, noises, his preschool class, his brother and sister, and his mommy and daddy.

He had many challenges in his short life but lived every day with a smile on his face. After a two-year fight with multiple respiratory illnesses, Ben lost his battle on May 2, 2016. This book is dedicated to Benjamin and shows that everyone can have an adventure. And despite medical and physical differences, all kids can play and dream.

About Ben’s Mommy


I’m glad you’re here! Ben’s Adventures is a tribute to my son Benjamin, and ALL other children who live with a disability. Awareness, representation, inclusion, acceptance are all concepts we should be teaching our young children. Promote kindness. Promote love. Promote friendship. And show that All Can Play and Dream.

We also established Ben Smiles Memorial Foundation and gift adapted toys and other devices to children with motor challenges. A portion of the proceeds from book sales support the Ben Smiles mission. To learn more, click here.

Our family has gone through many changes over the past few years, but I believe things happen for a reason, and this was meant to be our story.