The Holidays are HERE, People! #BooksMakeGreatGifts

YAY! Thanksgiving is behind us and it’s now officially Christmas season. Obviously, it’s time to start thinking about Christmas gift-giving (if you haven’t already!). And what better gift to give than the gift of reading and stock up on the Picture Books. If you’re like me and have young children, then your house is constantly filled to the brim with ‘too many’ toys.  And I sometimes feel like I can’t justify and rationalize adding something else to our mix! That’s why Books make the perfect gift.

To make book-shopping easier, here is a list of Christmas, holiday or Winter theme books that I think are just the cutest!

And a couple of these are being presented on Facebook in the Indie Author Holiday Online Fair (group link here). If you can, visit the group and take in the author visits and live book readings that have been happening this weekend.



A Silly Milly Christmas by Sheri Wall – I personally LOVE books that rhyme. I think they’re fun to read and perfect for young readers where similar sounds and repetition are so important. Reading this cute book about Milly the Great Dane brought a smile to my face. Illustrations are cute and it’s a fun yet simple read.

Available on Amazon here.



Mr Hoopeyloops Saves Christmas by Andi Cann – who doesn’t love a nice feel-good and fun story about Santa Clause? This time, Rex heard that Christmas is in danger of being ‘cancelled’ so he talks to Mr Hoopeyloops, who has a special connection to Santa. After some travel and digging, they discover that the glass-making elves are on VACATION! They jump into action and come up with a plan to help save Christmas. Cute story, nice message and illustrations make this a must-have for your Santa book collection. Available on Amazon here. 


When the Clock Strikes on Christmas Eve by Lisa Ferland - In the same spirit as When the Clock Strikes on Halloween, Lisa Ferland has done it again! This is such a cute seasonal book with rhyming that are simply for little ones to read and enjoy. PLUS, it’s perfect for those kiddos learning to tell time on a clock.

Available on Amazon here.


Lucky’s Adventure in Winter Wonderland by Elizabeth Macy – Enhanced by its classic illustrations, this book is about a bunch of dog friends who love to frolic in the snow. You find out at the end that Lucky is actually a ‘rescue pup’ and decides to support the local rescue group. If you’re a fan of dogs and want to support rescue missions then you will appreciate the message of Lucky’s Adventure. Available on Amazon here.


Zetta the Poinsettia by Alma Hammond – Follow along as Zetta figures out her worth and purpose. She’s a sweet Poinsettia who is unsure where she fits in once the holidays are over. Of course, she sticks around even after all the Christmas decorations are put away. She makes new friends and shines in the sun!

Available on Amazon here.



Where Would Santa Go? By Julia Inserro Where Would Santa Go? Is a great book to add to your Christmas book shelf. It highlights some of the world’s most unique and beautiful locales as Santa takes Max and Julia on a trip around the world, making it a great way to introduce your child to many different places. I can see this book instilling a sense of adventure in your family. Available on Amazon.


Winter Song – by Anetta Kotowicz – Winter Song highlights all of the wonderful elements that make up Winter. The book has a flow and you can almost hear a winter-y tune. An added bonus are the activities and games in the back of the book. It encourages getting children out to explore nature and appreciate the changing seasons in the world around them. If you enjoy the different seasons, check out the other books by Kotowicz.

Available on Amazon here.



Cami, Wyatt and Kindness Too – by Stacy Bauer – It’s the perfect time of year to talk about random acts of kindness and all of the little, simple things you can do to show kindness toward others. From cleaning up after yourself (kindness to mom!), to raking the neighbors’ yard (kindness to neighbors!), to including a child on the playground (kindness to peers!), it puts the concept of kindness into terms and scenarios a young child can comprehend. It features coloring pages, activity questions and worksheets, providing  opportunities for engagement and discussions, turning it into a teaching tool. Such a valuable book for young children!

Available on Amazon here.



Thank you for reading – and I hope any (or all) make it onto your nice list this year! Let me know if you decide to pick any of these out for gifts this year! I’d love to hear what you think of the list. Be Well, and Happy Holidays!
